If you’re a man who suffers from gynecomastia, you might feel self-conscious about swimming at the beach or showering at the gym. At Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute, Dr. Jason Leedy offers male breast reduction surgery to eliminate excess fat on your chest. If you live in or near Mayfield Heights, Ohio and want to feel good in your skin, call the office or go online to book your initial consultation with Dr. Leedy and see if male breast reduction is right for you.
Male Surgery
What causes the development of male breasts?
When excess fat and glandular tissue form around a man’s pectoral muscles, it can come from a variety of issues. This formation of breast tissue, also called gynecomastia, can result from:
- Obesity
- Heredity
- Anabolic steroids
- Medications that contain estrogen
- Herbal testosterone
- Chronic marijuana use
What happens during a male breast reduction?
Your path to male breast reduction begins with a discreet consultation and a frank discussion of your medical history and general health. Dr. Leedy informs you of the two methods of male breast reduction and examines your chest to determine which best suits your condition.
If your breasts contain only fatty tissue and your nipples have remained in the right position, Dr. Leedy may recommend ultrasonic-assisted liposuction (UAL). This procedure uses sound waves to liquefy your fat then uses liposuction technology to remove it from your body.
When your male breasts result from both fat and glandular tissue, Dr. Leedy takes a different approach. This operation starts with small incisions in your armpit or on the outer edge of your nipple.
He uses these incisions to extract the fat and tissue that create the appearance of breasts. When he’s finished, he tightens your skin over the chest and removes any excess skin before closing the incisions.
What happens after male breast reduction?
Immediately after your male breast reduction surgery, you may notice preliminary results. As your chest heals and the swelling stops, the new shape of your pecs appears.
For the first few days after your procedure, you may experience discomfort, which you can manage with over-the-counter pain medication. Depending on the extent of your procedure, Dr. Leedy may request that you wear a compression garment.
Most of Dr. Leedy’s patients return to work within a few days after treatment, although light duty may be necessary.
Although the fat or glandular tissue is permanently removed from your chest, you must uphold a healthy lifestyle to maintain maximum results. Eat a well-balanced diet and engage in a regular exercise routine to avoid future weight gain.
If you want to learn more about male breast reduction and see if it’s an appropriate treatment for you, call Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute today to schedule your appointment or go online to book.
Schedule a Gynecomastia Consultation
To meet with a Gynecomastia consultant or to talk with a specialist about Male Breast Reduction surgery, please call us at 440-461-6100 or fill out an online contact form and our office will be in touch with you. Thank you for choosing The Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute, we look forward to seeing you soon!